
8 Keys To A More Respectful Workplace

Improve The Culture Inside Your Organization

The culture within your organization has more to do with overall employee satisfaction than any other single factor. More than 95% of employees report that “respectful treatment of all employees, at all levels” is the key factor for how satisfied they are in their position.

However, respectful work environments won’t evolve organically. Developing a culture of respect requires communication, education and commitment. World-class organizations make certain that respectful treatment of all team members is a core value within their competency framework.

Try It!

This series will encourage your team to understand, build and promote respectful workplace habits. Each module focuses on a key area of workplace respect, including:

  • How to spot, stop and avoid workplace harassment
  • The vital role of ethical principles such as fairness, honesty, integrity and respect
  • Why disagreeing constructively is so important
  • Importance of championing diversity at your organization
  • Strategies to recognize and neutralize bullies and bullying behavior
  • Developing the skills needed to ‘listen for understanding’


Here’s what your team will learn:


Act Ethically

Morals are how we distinguish right from wrong. In this course, your employees will learn how to incorporate fairness, honesty, integrity and respect into their day-to-day interactions with coworkers and clients.


Disagree Constructively

Workplace conflict is inevitable, but how you disagree is a choice. This course teaches your team how to advocate in a constructive way, which allows your team to move forward rather than stagnate from friction.


Combat Workplace Harassment

Harassment at work involves a pattern of unwanted behavior that can cause workplace turmoil, dysfunction, animosity, anxiety and pain. It’s up to all of us to support our coworkers and work to combat workplace harassment


Champion Diversity

“Tolerating” diversity isn’t enough. This course demonstrates the importance of championing diversity and how it fuels the success of your whole organization. Only by truly championing diversity will your team be able to collaborate effectively and produce the highest quality work.


Neutralize Bullying

Bullying doesn’t necessarily end with kids on the school playground. Workplace bullying is a growing issue and can harm both your mental and physical health. Bullying should never be tolerated anywhere. Learn how to spot bullying and how to neutralize its effects.


In Doubt? Find Out!

It’s possible to offend someone without meaning to do so. Good intentions aren’t enough—learn the importance of asking others how they’d like to be treated, and how this simple practice can build trust across your entire organization.


Listen for Understanding

Effective listening is key to fostering a safe and respectful workplace. This course illustrates how a simple change in how they listen will have a great impact on relationships and your organization as a whole.


Demonstrate Appreciation

Showing appreciation for your coworkers is critically important. This course demonstrates how simple acts of appreciation—public praise, giving credit to those who have earned it and generally being encouraging and supportive—will go a long way toward creating a better environment for everyone.