
How To Improve Call Center Customer Service Training

Help Desk and Call Center Agent Training Courses

Customer Service & Telephone Skills For Help Desk Agents

Customers may judge your entire organization based on how well — or poorly — their phone call was handled. That’s why it’s so important to invest in telephone skills and communication training for your customer service representatives.

Good phone etiquette extends well beyond saying “please” and “thank you.” From the outset of any phone call, a good telephone operator knows that actively listening, being friendly and maintaining control of the conversation are paramount to the satisfaction of the customer on the other end of the line.

Happy customers stay customers for life, telling their friends and family about their positive experiences with your organization. And most customers — even the angriest ones — can be satisfied most of the time. We’ll teach your team how to handle even the trickiest phone conversations, recognize positive and negative behaviors that can impact the call, and learn best practices for placing callers on hold, taking messages, transferring calls and more.

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Telephone Doctor® Etiquette Training

ServiceSkills offers access to the Telephone Doctor library of telephone training courses that will provide your call center team with essential phone skills, customer service techniques and situation-based learning that not only improves your organization’s customer service, but will also help grow your bottom line.

Our easy-to-use, online platform allows you to monitor the progress and assess the quiz results of everyone on your team. And because your employees can do their training online at their own pace, training won’t cut into your productivity the way on-site training might.

Among the courses offered in our Telephone Doctor series are:

  • Killer Words of Customer Service: Reps get a list of words and phrases, so they understand what to say and what not to say.
  • Essential Telephone Skills: There are 10 phone strategies every rep should know to help make every call a successful one.
  • Business-Friendly Service: Using a professional, business-friendly tone that is neither too formal nor too casual is the way to go.
  • Steps to Service Recovery: Learn the 6 steps for turning negative calls into positive ones, and angry customers into lifelong brand advocates.

Proactive Customer Service Training

Does your organization respond to customer service issues and complaints after they happen? Wouldn’t it make more sense to anticipate and address problems before they arise? Doing so can increase customer retention by reducing incoming complaints.

ServiceSkills can teach your customer service representatives how to create loyal customers through proactive customer service. Through scenario-based training modules, your reps learn to pay closer attention to customers so they can prevent future complaints rather than merely fix past problems.

Anticipating customer needs and delivering results leads to loyal customers — and an improved bottom line. It’s simple: Listen to what your customers are saying, provide them what they want before they ask for it, and they’ll be more likely to buy from your company in the future.