
What To Say When Conflict Resolution Series

Resolve Disagreements in a Positive Way

Reduce conflict and communicate more constructively

Conflict is a problem for individuals and teams alike, however, when handled constructively, conflict can spark important conversations.

We created this 10-course Conflict Resolution series to train your employees “What to Say When™” conflict arises and how to resolve disagreements in a positive way.

In each scenario-based course, human resources expert Hugh Murray will share tactics for overcoming arguments and tense situations in a way that benefits your whole organization. He’ll explain how to use conflict as a way to improve upon ideas, strengthen bonds with coworkers and become a higher-performing organization overall.

And, because every course comes with an overview sheet and a quiz, you can monitor your team’s progress and retention every step of the way.

Try It!

Here’s what your team will learn:


You’re Asked to Compromise Your Ethics

Sometimes, your team will be confronted with ethical dilemmas. This course will teach your team  the steps to take when they’re faced with a decision that conflicts with their ethical standards.


Someone Disagrees with You

Disagreement can be a good thing—when handled well, it can lead to a better solution. This video course teaches your team how to approach disagreements from a place of understanding, and use them as a chance to test the original idea against potential alternatives.


Your Boss Doesn’t Notice Your Contributions

Feedback is an important aspect of any work environment. We’ll teach your team members how to ask for feedback, and how continual feedback can actually lead to heightened job performance.


It’s Someone Else’s Fault

Finger pointing doesn’t solve anything. This course teaches the importance of working to solve the problem, rather than getting caught up in assigning blame.


Someone Criticizes You

Criticism—though not fun to hear—can actually provide great insight into how to do a job better. Your employees will learn our effective 3-step process for diffusing negative emotions and focusing on the facts of the situation.


A Team Member Is Uncooperative

When a team member isn’t pulling their weight, your employees need to know how to guide a constructive discussion about the issue. This course will teach your team when it’s appropriate to confront a coworker, and how to facilitate the discussion.


You Need to Break a Commitment

Employees should not break commitments lightly. But, when they inevitably need to cancel a meeting or ask for an extension on a deadline, there are certain steps they can take to minimize the inconvenience to the rest of the team. This course tells them what to say—and do—in the case that they need to break a commitment.


Someone Breaks a Commitment

Your employees will also, on occasion, find themselves on the receiving end of a broken commitment. This video goes over how to courteously, yet assertively, address inconveniences caused by canceled meetings or late projects.


A Coworker Is Too Social

Excessive talking can negatively impact productivity throughout your organization. We’ll give your employees ways to approach chatty co-workers in a friendly, yet firm way.


The Boss Keeps Changing Priorities

If a manager is constantly changing priorities, it can cause undue stress on the team. This course gives employees actionable advice on staying organized, prioritizing to-do lists and, if it becomes too much, respectfully bringing the issue up to the manager.